I have written a configuration for the class generator of Cayenne
within my pom.xml:
But the plugin doesn't use the <superpkg> information, the debug
output of maven writes:
[DEBUG]Configuring mojo
'org.apache.cayenne.plugins:maven-cayenne-plugin:3.0.1:cgen' -->
[DEBUG] (f) client = false
[DEBUG] (f) destDir = /localhome/arothe/workspace/CayenneTest/src/main/java
[DEBUG] (f) encoding = UTF-8
[DEBUG] (f) makePairs = true
[DEBUG] (f) map =
[DEBUG] (f) mode = entity
[DEBUG] (f) outputPattern = *.java
[DEBUG] (f) overwrite = false
[DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject:
[DEBUG] (f) usePkgPath = true
[DEBUG]-- end configuration --
I miss the new path for the superclasses, what's wrong?
Thanks a lot
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