To Dep PK bug?

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Nov 05 2010 - 12:57:08 UTC

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: To Dep PK bug?"

    I kept getting an optimistic locking exception where my PK got nulled
    out, so I set up a simple test case:

    User Table:
    id bigint
    name varchar(50)
    username varchar(20)

    Avatar Table:
    avatarImage blob(100000)
    id biginit

    User is the master table, Avatar the dependent, To Dep PK checked
    going from User to Avatar to map the User PK to the Avatar.


            DataContext dataContext = DataContext.createDataContext();

            User admin = dataContext.newObject(User.class);



            admin.setName("The Administrator");


    The second commitChanges fails with the following SQL:

    INFO: INSERT INTO Users (id, name, username) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    INFO: [bind: 1->id:200, 2->name:'Administrator', 3->username:'admin']
    INFO: UPDATE Users SET name = ? WHERE id IS NULL AND name = ? AND username = ?
    INFO: [bind: 1->name:'The Administrator', 2->id:NULL,
    3->name:'Administrator', 4->username:'admin']
    org.apache.cayenne.access.OptimisticLockException: [v.3.0 Apr 30 2010
    11:29:33] Optimistic Lock Failure, SQL: [UPDATE Users SET name = ?
    WHERE id IS NULL AND name = ? AND username = ?], WHERE clause
    bindings: [id=NULL, username='admin', name='Administrator']

    The ID gets set to null which is clearly wrong.


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