Re: Integrating jars for WOFrameworks ?

From: Marc Respass (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 15:30:33 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: Importing eomodels and running EOGenerator"

    >> XCode used to have the ability to "merge" a jar which just
    >> unjarred then included all the classes in your jar. If that's what
    >> you're looking for, I believe you need to write some ant targets
    >> to do that for you.
    > No real need to merge the jar if nothing else cares - I just always
    > thought it merged them because it would only have a classpath to
    > that single jar.

    Maybe it does. I have an app that uses a framework and I see the
    following entry for it in the MacOSClassPath.txt file


    So it's clearly going straight for the jar file in the classpath, not
    loading every jar in Resources/Java. If you're including jars with
    your framework, maybe they are merged in

    > Yes, I'm beginning to see the advantage to this. So you're
    > advocating building regular jars and just having the apps reference
    > them, getting rid of the framework concept altogether. It
    > certainly is better than installing in /Library/Frameworks all the
    > time. Where do you store your eomodeld?

    My former boss wrote a library which I enhanced. It loads an external
    plist as a configuration file. I store a public ivar to it and then I
    can call valueForKeyPath on WOApplication. I set a known location (/
    Library/EOModelFiles for instance) where I put my models. I wrote a
    Handler which I subclass. The class stores a reference to an EOModel.
    In the constructor, I load the model from the name in the
    configuration file. Of course, this only works with one model but
    that meets my needs. It's a simple matter to make a key ModelNames
    returning an array, work through the array, and load all the models.

    In my case, I'm writing a lot of apps that are nothing but web
    service servers. I have also had a need for a lot of apps with a
    timer that triggers an action to load data from the DB and send it
    somewhere. I ended up writing a generic wrapper application that
    loads the right class and the class loads the model when it's first
    used. This has led to a very flexible app that can be reused with a
    different configuration file so writing a new "application" really
    means only writing a new class or two, putting it in the right place
    in /Library/WebObjects/Extensions, and running an instance of my app
    which loads a different config. It's all very flexible and much
    easier to manaage than writing a new app every time with an
    accompanying framework.

    Here's the constructor for my class.

    public Handler() {
             if (model == null) {
                 String modelPath = RESOURCE_PATH
                         + (String) WOApplication.application
                 modelPath = modelPath + ".eomodeld";
                 logger.debug("Attempting to load model at path " +

                 URL modelPathURL = null;
                 try {
                     modelPathURL = URLUtilities.urlForFilePath(modelPath);
                     model = new EOModel(modelPathURL);
           "loaded model at path: " + modelPath);
                 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                     logger.fatal("Unable to load required EOModel at
    url: " + modelPathURL);

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