Re: Upcoming Classpath Changes

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Sat Jan 19 2008 - 13:22:32 EST

  • Next message: Peter Pritchard: "Re: Upcoming Classpath Changes"

    Hey Mike,

    Great changes. I've always been bothered by this classpath/woproject
    stuff (but not enough to actually do sth about it :)). In particular I
    like the idea with the bootstrap jar.

    The only thing I'd make hard to turn on is the build root support. I
    introduced this a few years ago when I was still using XCode and
    others were on Eclipse. Since then it have made things pretty
    confusing for a lot of people.

    What would probably work is an UI similar to the other java settings,
    ie. a "global" one that can be overridden per project...

    As for ant changes, we only have two actual build files so i could
    care less :)

    Does all this also mean that if App has the libs linked and a project
    framework the app uses also has the libs linked that only the app's
    versions are in the debug class path?

    Cheers, Anjo

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