Re: moving to VelocityGenerator from JavaEOGenerator

From: David LeBer (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2008 - 10:45:28 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: moving to VelocityGenerator from JavaEOGenerator"

    On 22-Jan-08, at 6:31 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >> Thanks Mike,
    >> So, I want my velogen templates to generate something like this:
    >> public NSArray fetchSomeObjectsFetchSpec(EOEditingContext ec,
    >> BindingOneClass bindingOne, BindingTwoClass bindingTwo) {
    >> ...
    >> }
    >> I get the 'bindingOne' from the EOQualifierBindings 'name', how do
    >> I get the 'BindingOneClass'?
    >> Do i need to check the attributePath and ask for a different key
    >> path based on the result to get at the destinations class or is
    >> there an easier way I'm not seeing?
    > I was going to give a long explanation of how you can do it, but it
    > was easier to just add some easier API ... attributePath now has a
    > "childClassName" method on it, so you can call $
    > {binding.attributePath.childClassName} and it will do the right
    > thing for attributes or relationships (EXCEPT if you use
    > ERXConstants as binding values, but I don't think this will be a
    > problem).

    Did these changes make into last nights build?

    I've added this to my _Entity template:

    #foreach ($fetchSpec in $entity.sortedFetchSpecs)
       public static NSArray fetch${fetchSpec.capitalizedName}
    (EOEditingContext ec#foreach ($binding in
    $fetchSpec.distinctBindings), ${binding.childClassName} $
    {}Binding#end) {
    #if ($fetchSpec.distinctBindings.count > 0)
         NSMutableDictionary bindings = new NSMutableDictionary();
    #foreach ($binding in $fetchSpec.distinctBindings)
         if (${}Binding != null) {
           bindings.setObjectForKey(${}Binding, "$
            return EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(ec, "$
    {}", "${}", #if
    ($fetchSpec.distinctBindings.count > 0) bindings);#else null);

    And it doesn't get anything for the $fetchSpec.distinctBindings array.
    I checked the code for EOFetchSpecification in WOLips and it looks
    like getDistinctBindings() is there.

    ... confused.

    Eclipse 3.3.2 M20071219-0800
    WOLips 3.3.4777


    David LeBer
    Codeferous Software
    'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
    Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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