Re: superunstable

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Sun Feb 17 2008 - 21:30:56 EST

  • Next message: Frederico Lellis: "Internal Rule Editor error."

    > I plan on fixing the "Xxx either doesn't exist or doesn't extend
    > WOElement" errors that can get stuck in the Problems view
    MMMAAAYYBE fixed. The type cache system got a pretty big overhaul
    which should increase performance in a lot of cases, but also actually
    does cache invalidation (which didn't really happen very effectively
    previously, which I think is what led to this problem). The type
    cache is actually a little aggressive about invalidation at the moment
    (if anything on the type changes, including markers, it invalidates).

    > as well as some caching issues with localized components
    haven't gotten to this yet ...


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