Re: Standalone modeler

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2008 - 15:21:10 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "wolips blog"

    > I'm big on cmd-tabbing between specialized development apps, not
    > really into Eclipse plugins. It clutters me up. So, I was wondering,
    > would it be difficult to take EntityModeler develop a standalone SWT
    > app from it? I know virtually nothing of Eclipse plugin
    > architecture, but maybe this could be done by developing a stub that
    > would start the EM part of WOLips up without Eclipse?
    > Maybe Apple would even donate it's lovely EOModeler icon for it :)
    This is an idea so great that iTunes already paid us to do it :)

    You WILL, however, lose features. For instance, standalone does not
    run in the context of WOLips, so you cannot benefit from automatic
    eogen execution, etc. Also, when refactoring comes to Entity Modeler,
    only the plugin version will be able to do it. If you're already
    using WOLips, probably the better option would be to turn on "Open in
    New Window" under your Entity Modeler preferences. This gets you
    ALMOST the same behavior but with all the benefits.


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