Re: Entity Modeler and embedded derby

From: David LeBer (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 11:36:56 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: Derby and WOLips"

    On 28-Feb-08, at 10:32 AM, David Holt wrote:

    > Definitely take this issue to
    > I tried Apple's example code out when I first installed Leopard on
    > my home machine. I found it difficult to get Derby to run and posted
    > my problems to the Apple list. You'll find a few posts in the
    > archive of the webobjects-dev list. For example:
    > .
    > You could also have a look on the wiki, I think there might be
    > something there. Yup there is:
    > I realize that Apple's example code is now configured to run on
    > Derby, but that has little to do with learning/running WO. Try
    > taking another tack. The community has put together some screencasts
    > (search the iTunes music store for the podcast) and tutorials that I
    > would use to get going if I was just starting out. The Apple example
    > code should run with the information you find in the list archive,
    > but it won't be the most useful training material that is out there
    > for you to use.

    I've got nothing to say about Derby. But the content of that page is a
    little old and the updated version is here: <

    Better yet, the owner of taoofwo should redirect to that page. Oh,
    wait, that would be me... Ok done.


    David LeBer
    Codeferous Software
    'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
    Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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