Re: [Wonder-disc] Grabbag of quick questions about Eclipse/WOLips/Webobjects

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 23:05:05 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: [Wonder-disc] Grabbag of quick questions about Eclipse/WOLips/Webobjects"

    >> <wo:str value = "$someBrokenBinding // VALID"/>
    > that's the notation I'm using but it's not working for me. But i'll
    > further investigate.
    You said you're using 5.4, though ... Are you using 5.4 inline
    bindings or Wonder's WOOgnl inline bindings parser? This will not
    work with 5.4's parser -- you'll get a runtime error.

    >>> So, if it works now, where is the problem? ;-) Haven't used that,
    >>> so somebody else will have to answer that.
    >> That import would 100% not have any effect on whatever your problem
    >> was. That's a red herring. I have no idea what your problem was,
    >> but I can tell you that isn't it. You haven't used it Guido?
    >> That's my crowning lifetime achievement :)
    > When I click "open" in the woltoolbar and click some section of the
    > page, the browsers just stalls trying to load the page and eclipse
    > does not open any document. The WOApp does not crash, I can
    > interrupt the browser and navigate the application. My intuition is
    > that the communication between the woapp and eclipse/wolips server
    > is stalling. I'll try ot get more info.
    Ah yes .. I've had this happen before also. Make sure that your
    WOLips Server is turned on (prefs => WOLips server), make sure you
    have a password set, and make sure that wolips.password is also set in
    your Properties file. If you change the port number, make sure the
    port is set, too. Once this hangs once, it's hung for good
    (annoyingly). So quite and restart Eclipse and see if it happens
    again. I THINK this happened when I didn't have a password set in my
    Properties file ... it's a terrible behavior. It's also possible
    there's a deadlock in my little webserver. I really should steal one
    of the open source ones -- I just happened to have that one laying
    around from a previous project from about 5 or 6 years ago.

    >>> Other tip: I always start in Debug mode, not in Run. Then when I
    >>> change things that can't be "hot-fixed" Eclipse shows a dialog
    >>> whether to terminate or restart the application or just to ignore
    >>> it.
    >> 100% yes and 300% yes.
    > seems nicer indeed. I always assume debug mode is slower than just
    > running the apps. but it really isn't that different.
    Yeah, with Java 1.5+ debug mode is nearly the same speed, and the
    benefits are HUGE. Hot code replace alone totally justifies any tiny
    performance loss.


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