Re: Problems generating SQL

From: Miguel Arroz (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2008 - 14:28:29 EDT

  • Next message: Miguel Arroz: "Re: Problems generating SQL"


    On 2008/06/02, at 19:10, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > That said, given this exception, I SUSPECT you had an attribute with
    > an external type that was left blank? But I'm not really sure.

       See? Why should I bother? ;)

       It was exactly that, I defined a prototype and forgot to specify
    the external type. When I tried to use it, boom. I took some time to
    find the problem because I have defined the prototype some weeks ago,
    but only used it now, so I was on the "recent changes debugging"
    mode. :)

       Sorry, next time I'll right a more detailed answer.


    Miguel Arroz

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