Re: ERXEOControlUtilities and derived attributes

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Mon Jul 07 2008 - 20:16:00 EDT

  • Next message: Daniel Roy: "Re: ERXEOControlUtilities and derived attributes"

    On 08/07/2008, at 6:01 AM, Daniel Roy wrote:

    > I've run into an issue and would appreciate some feedback from the
    > community. I'm trying to do a count on a number of distinct rows in
    > one table of my database. The rows are made distinct by the
    > combination of two attributes, A and B. After discussing it, an
    > attempt was made to use a derived attribute in the EO model to
    > represent the combination of A and B. The derived definition value
    > used was "A||'_'||B" (minus the double quotes - this is postgres
    > format). Then, to do the count, I used
    > [ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountUniqueWithQualifierAndAttribute]
    > and specified my derived attribute's name for [attributeName] of the
    > method. When I run the application, the SQL that is generated is
    > incorrect because the underlying code in
    > [EOEnterpriseObjectClazz.objectCountUniqueAttribute] is expecting
    > the given attribute to have a column name. Derived attributes do
    > not have a column name, so the resulting SQL looks like this:
    > "SELECT count( distinct t0.null) FROM BLAH t0"
    > I know the derived attribute is being evaluated properly, since I
    > can output the attribute's correct value by looping over the result
    > set. I could also avoid using
    > [ERXEOControlUtilities.objectCountUniqueWithQualifierAndAttribute]
    > by simply doing a fetch and looping over the result set and keeping
    > track of the count, but I don't actually need the objects in memory
    > - all I need is the count.
    > Am I going about this the wrong way? Is this something that should
    > be addressed in [EOEnterpriseObjectClazz]?

    This is a question for the mailing

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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