Re: Using standalone EntityModeler

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2008 - 01:09:31 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Using standalone EntityModeler"

    > Hi Mike,
    > I forgot to ask, how does EntityModeler find the IDEA .ipr file? Am
    > I able to specify the .ipr file EntityModeler should use?
    > Thanks
    > Peter
    So this is all sort of sketchy, because it's a lot of guesswork ...
    But anyway. I believe it walks up from the model folder looking for
    the .ipr file in some parent folder. It also will look for
    a .EntityModeler.plist, which expects a top level key Dependencies
    that maps to a dictionary that has a key "IDEA" (you can also have
    "Eclipse") that maps to an array of .ipr file paths.


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