Re: Problem embedding framework in new hotness build

From: Kieran Kelleher (
Date: Wed Oct 15 2008 - 21:16:19 EDT

  • Next message: Jon Nolan: "Re: Migrations + Frontbase"

    I have an ant task added to the standard build.xml that usually builds
    and installs my dependent workspace projects before embedded build of
    the app ...

    It helps me make sure I never forget this and waste time
    troubleshooting and fixing a messed up deployment bundle

    .....sth like this ......

            <!-- Install my own dependent frameworks in final local install
    location before embedding -->
            <target name="installMyFrameworks">
                    <ant dir="../WKDemography" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKEclipseIDEServices" target="install"
    inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKEmailData" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKEOFExtensions" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKFoundation" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKPrototypes" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKRemoteClient" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKRemoteMailingServices" target="install"
    inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKReports" target="install" inheritall="false" />
                    <ant dir="../WKWebObjects" target="install" inheritall="false" />

    and then I just add that as a dependency to build.woapp target ....
    like this .......

            <target name="build.woapp" depends="compile,installMyFrameworks">

    HTH, Kieran

    On Oct 15, 2008, at 1:53 PM, Travis Britt wrote:

    > For anyone else who sees something like this... my /Library/
    > Frameworks was crufty. Make sure the frameworks you're embedding
    > have been built *and* installed.
    > tb
    > On Oct 15, 2008, at 11:55 AM, Travis Britt wrote:
    >> I'm doing some test builds with our stuff under new hotness, using
    >> the latest wolips build.
    >> The app has all the frameworks defined in its build path (various
    >> Wonder and WO frameworks) properly embedded, except for our little
    >> framework. I've got the Wonder frameworks checked out as source,
    >> have no idea why they're getting embedded but not our framework.
    >> Any ideas?

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