Re: How long before nightly becomes stable?

From: Chuck Hill (
Date: Fri Oct 31 2008 - 12:39:25 EDT

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: How long before nightly becomes stable?"

    On Oct 31, 2008, at 7:21 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    >>>> is all that's needed to make it possible for someone like me to
    >>>> use the new build file. I only had to use these attribute in two
    >>>> or three places to get the build working. Couldn't this be the
    >>>> default?
    >>> If you want to deviate from the standard, you can do exactly what
    >>> you're doing. The standard is the standard, though, and we will
    >>> not support alternatives.
    >> Would it be so bad to have attributes/properties for sources.dir
    >> and libraries.dir?
    > I shouldn't say "we" by the way, since I can only speak for my own
    > commits, but I'm not going to add UI for additional ways of doing
    > things. The recommended project layout is Sources/Libraries. I
    > know this is a strict policy, and many people may disagree with it,
    > but the tools can get much better and easier to use by removing
    > incidental choices. For example, all this junk about flattening and
    > localized resources exists ONLY because we continue to support
    > alternative project layouts. If The Word is cast down that we will
    > not support anything but this layout, I can make the tools much
    > better. I could take as an assumption that Resources are only inside
    > of the Resources folder and much more easily write some additional
    > tools. As it stands, you have to evaluate patternsets to determine
    > this, and it's a pain in the butt, and there are tools that I'd like
    > to write that I don't because of that. The platform suffers because
    > of choice.
    > So if you want to do something different than we recommend, it's
    > possible (for now), but it is going to be a little painful. This
    > will only get more painful going forward.

    When WOProject was started, the philosophy was to allow anyone to put
    anything anywhere. This turned out, IMO, to be a mistake. Needless
    differences produced a world of different build.xml files,
    compatibility problems, and confusion. Mike and Anjo have been moving
    toward Convention rather than Configuration. At first I did not like
    it as their convention (aka Fluffy Bunny Layout) was not mine. I
    resisted, I did more work. Then I saw the light. :-) A name is just
    a name, Sources is no more painful to use that src. I did have to re-
    organize my projects, but the Open Resource, Open Component, and Open
    Type commands that did not make a real difference to my productivity.

    If we can sacrifice choice and personal style for better tools, I am
    all for it.


    Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

    Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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