Re: Making data maps part of cayenne.xml

From: Andrus (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 04:52:01 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "CayenneModeler name"

    At 04:52 PM 5/16/2002 -0400, Shengaout, Michael wrote:
    >More I was using Cayenne Modeler, more I thought that the Data Maps should
    >be made a part of the cayenne.xml rather than have XML files of their own.
    >Here are the reasons:
    >1. Fewer files to deploy.
    >2. Fewer steps for creating a new data map. You don't need to select the
    >path for the XML file.
    >I believe moving data maps to the project XML file (cayenne.xml) rather
    >than keeping it in its own XML file will make the application much more
    >intuitive and easy to use. We may still have Export/Import Data Map
    >feature to allow exporting database structure for other projects.
    >Let me know what you think.

    I agree with the reasoning. I have a purely pragmatic point to keep it the
    way it is now - we are close to the release and should have a feature freeze.

    In the future we may implement the new format as well as support the
    current one. I would still keep current format support, since map loader is
    logically separate from other XML loaders in Cayenne.

    In any event we may need quiet a few tricks to let current loader read
    parts of cayenne.xml file, and DomainHelper read other parts.

    Also I would suggest to eventually decouple MapLoader from the XML-centric
    API, since we already have map loaders that read non-XML formats (in
    particular WebObjects EOModel format).

    Lets make it a task on SourceForge that starts on June 15?


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