Re: CocoBase vs TopLink vs Cayenne

From: Andrus (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 21:26:34 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Wiki page [Was: CocoBase vs TopLink vs Cayenne]"


    At 10:08 PM 7/28/2002 -0300, rggrinfo wrote:
    >Which the difference among CocoBase, TopLink and Cayenne?

    This is like the 5th time we were asked to give the comparison with a
    competing technology over the last 2 weeks. I guess it is time to start the
    research :-). Any volunteers experienced with "those other guys"? I can
    only write a comparison with WebObjects/EOF.

    >Can I use Cayenne in Oracle 9i in projects Java?

    Absolutely. In fact I am on a commercial Cayenne-based project for a
    customer right now. We are using Oracle 9i with no problems (thin driver,
    but OCI shouldn't be a problem either).

    >Does Cayenne implement CMP and BMP?

    Cayenne != EJB. In fact, one of its goals is to prove that
      - EJB is not a data layer technology by itself
      - EJB is not needed for an advanced data layer

    Having said that, we will support Cayenne working inside session beans and
    sending objects to the bean clients. This is the direction we are taking
    with EJB.


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