[ANN] Cayenne Alpha 3 released

From: Andrus (andru..bjectstyle.org)
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 20:12:37 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus: "Starting CVS reorg [Was: cayenne-cvs vs. eclipse]"

    A new maintenance release of Cayenne is out. If you are on Alpha 2, upgrade
    is *strongly* recommended.

    Main changes:

    * JDK1.3 port: Cayenne runtime libraries are now fully JDK1.3 compatible,
    GUI tools still require 1.4.
    * Fixed a few serious problems in CayenneModeler that could potentially
    corrupt model files.
    * "Derived" entities support. Derived DbEntities allow expressions in
    columns, including aggregate functions. They also contain built in GROUP BY
    * Bugs fixes, documentation update, a few convenience features and
    performance improvements.

    Also note that there is no more separation into source and binary packages.
    Everything is included in a single distro.


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