I just got a report from Eric Schneider about a similar problem. I am
looking into it now. Bug that I filed can be found here:
At 03:52 PM 11/8/2002 +0000, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>Hmm, I need to look at that. I thought we'd fixed most of the problems in
>this area. I agree with your ideas though. Will get back on this later.
>Dirk Olmes writes:
>>while playing around with reflexive relationships I encountered a strange
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.ToManyList.iterator(ToManyList.java:187)
>> at bm.MissingBackRelationship.main(MissingBackRelationship.java:33)
>>The same bug shows up in normal relationships as well.
>>A closer look into the source reveals that
>>DBRelationship::getReverseRelationship() is indeed allowed to return
>>null. The code in QueryHelper however does not check the
>>return value but happily calls srcFkSnapshotWithTargetSnapshot().
>>The workaround would be to model the reverse relationshpip in the
>>DBEntity.... I wonder
>>however if there is a reason for requiring both relationships to be present:
>>in EOF
>>this could cause the most infamous "add to to-many relationship" bug.
>>Could this effect also show up in Cayenne?
>>A possible better implementation could be to not rely on the reverse
>>relationship to be present
>>but simply create a temporary relationship and use that for resolving the
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