Re: DataContext.registerNewObject() vs. entityResolver

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 07:55:58 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Next steps [Was Re: Flattened relationship support]"

    Andrus wrote:
    > >deprecate this for b1 and have it call
    > >
    > > registerNewObject(DataObject dataObject)
    > >
    > >instead.
    > +1 - this is exactly in the spirit of recent changes. If no one objects I
    > will make this change.


    While I was doing this, I also saw createAndRegisterNewObject(String
    objEntityName, and immediately had the urge to change it to have a Class
    argument as well. Fortunately my feeble brain kicked in just in time and
    told me that this might not be such a hot idea, because sometimes you
    really need String-based Object creation without creating a typed package
    dependency. Case in point: some of the tests still use
    lookupObjEntity("Artist") since they don't (yet?) import the class, maybe
    for good reason - maybe not. I need to take a closer look.

    Another reason might be that the assumed mapping of Class to ObjEntity
    might not always be true or desired. How likely are scenarios like you
    could have with EOF's EOGenericRecord, where you really don't care about
    the class but just want to use a dumb record?

    Personally I favor the class-based approach but I can see that sometimes
    you don't want to create typed package dependencies. I don't know if this
    is just wishful thinking since every Java project I've seen so far has
    turned into a big ball of dependencies sooner or later.

    Thoughts? If we agree that createAndRegisterNewObject should take a Class
    (or maybe a class name instead of the entity name?) I'll volunteer. I have
    some company time to spend on cayenne. ;)


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