Re: Suggested cleanup: DataObject/PersistenceState

From: Holger Hoffst�tte (
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 14:23:41 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Modeller and dbgeneration"

    Craig Miskell wrote:
    > > - turn PersistenceState into a class instead of interface since there are
    > > no implementors anyway (it's just a place to keep the int symbols)
    > Sounds reasonable to me, but I'm wondering if Andrus had any particular
    > reason for doing it as an interface in the first place (or maybe it's
    > just a hangover from a previous idea).

    I thought about it for some time and just couldn't find any way to
    implement an int defined in an interface..consequently we'd also need some
    methods and classes to implement them. My guess is the hangover, quite
    natural for a project of cayenne's size and age. Hangovers always seem to
    come with size and age. %-)


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