Re: jar file versioning

From: Holger Hoffstätte (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 05:34:41 EST

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: jar file versioning"

    Andrus wrote:
    > +1

    done. Note that you need to do a top-level cvs update for your local tree,
    and also update the eclipse .classpath from contrib. Interesting bits:

    - ModelerContext had a protected scope method which has changed its
    visibility to public; no impact otherwise.

    - for some reason that I don't yet fully understand the global properties
    don't seem to be visible in build-tests-modeler.xml; I had to include the
    top-level defaults to make it work. Don't really understand why but it
    does work and I didn't see any downsides.

    > We should probably start doing this for Cayenne itself too. Right now it
    > has a version label in each JAR MANIFEST.MF, but who looks at those :-).

    Well I did, while trying to find out what was there in the first place.
    It's really unfortunate (if not to say dumb) that this is not enforced or


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