Re: Protection against NPEs/catching illegal arguments ASAP

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 10:36:50 EST

  • Next message: Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch: "Re: Protection against NPEs/catching illegal arguments ASAP"

    I suggest to be careful with that, and I will most likely "-1" any global
    changes in this area.

    Otherwise we will face tons of IllegalArgumentExceptions instead of NPE.
    Good example is working with objects in the GUI - during editing, some
    objects may be in the partial state with lots of fields being null. Being
    able to save and later read such partial states is important.

    I just had a few cases like that recently, and I had to revert the behavior
    to allow nulls.

    As for jlint, I tried it at work and finally had to give up on using this
    tool - it is way too picky.


    Holger Hoffstätte writes:

    > hi,
    > Catching illegal arguments and especially potential NPEs as early as
    > possible is IMHO a Good Thing - don't let errors dribble down the layers
    > until the bottom drops out somehwere else. Easiest & IMHO most obvious
    > place to do at least some form of checking would be the setters, and have
    > them throw an IllegalArgumentException("foo must not be null"), or
    > whatever is appropriate. Classes without public accessors could have them
    > protected/private I usually start with private and 'open up' as required).
    > I've been looking at jlint's (admittedly extremely picky) reports some
    > more and instead of randomly fixing potential NPEs with if-thens I'd like
    > to have a more systematic approach that satisfies all and leads to an
    > overall improvement by defect prevention. This should also improve bug
    > reports & logging with more meaningful traces.
    > Other thoughts or ideas?
    > Holger

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