As we all know unit tests are great for maintaining code integrity when the
changes are made. I was thinking about extending this to also serve as
demonstration of already discovered but yet unfixed bugs.
Basically when a bug is submitted, first step to prove it would be to write
a unit test that fails because of this particular bug.
Well, the problem is that if such test case is checked in, we will never
get a working nightly build until the bug is fixed. So I am looking for
some "soft failure" test outcome in JUnit in addition to the normal
"failure" and "error" statuses. That would allow to pinpoint old unfixed
bugs when the time comes to fix them, and prevent normal builds from being
disrupted in the meantime.
I can probably hack something like that into CayenneTestCase superclass. I
was just wondering if there is a JUnit solution to it. Or is this against
their philosophy?
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