Just checked in the first version of "cdeploy" ant task. Documentation page
moved from "pending" to User Guide, Chapter 10. I will do some more testing
with the real project soon.
Craig, I know you planned creating a frontend other than Ant. You can do
that by building ProjectConfigInfo describing the changes to be made to the
existing jar, and then instantiating ProjectConfigurator, and calling
execute. Again, there are 3 new classes that you will use:
Feel free to donate this tool to Cayenne if it is generic enough for others
to take advantage of it.
At 01:55 AM 1/6/2003 -0500, Andrus wrote:
>Just added an unlinked spec for the suggested deployment Ant task. We had
>this discussion some time back:
>http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/lists/cayenne-devel/2002/10/0030.html . Now
>I feel like I need this. Comments?
>or (after doing "ant doc")
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