Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> On Sybase this is not the case. I am performing tests on schema "dbo" with
> user "andrus".
Oh would have been too easy. ;)
Isn't there any way to find out which schema a connection is using? sorry
if this sounds dumb but I know next to nothing about JDBC internals.
> The bottom line is that Cayenne does not support multiple DbEntities with
> the same name in the same DataMap (even if they are in different schemas).
IIRC EOModeler faces the same problem and uses the fully qualified name as
internal table name; I think EOEntities with the same automagic name are
automatically numbered. Maybe that would work? I just had a quick look,
DataMap uses DbEntity.getName() as key and that can cause clashes, but if
the name would rather be the schema.table FQDEN - just like a package
namespace, what it really is - this could be avoided. Don't know how much
this would affect the rest of the framework, but it probably wouldn't
break anything - a unique lookup is still a unique lookup.
The only theoretical thing that might suffer would be DataMap portability
between DBs with and without schema support.
> So maybe we should change the DbLoader to create multiple DataMaps - one
> per schema?
That's another possibility and probably less intrusive, only (?) affected
methods would be loadDataMapFromDB() and its caller
No idea what would be better..maybe Craig or Andriy?
PS: hsqldb is really picky, more on that later :/
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