Re: Attributes to fetch

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 22:21:42 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: ObjEntity spanning multiple DbEntities proposal"

    Craig Miskell wrote:

    > Not trying to be a pain, but custom db attributes are an either/or
    > situation (either you have custom db attributes and nothing else, or the
    > "standard" method of creating the list of attributes and no custom
    > attributes), at least according to my reading of SelectTranslator. Am I
    > missing something, is SelectTranslator incorrect in implementation
    > (compared to your expectation at least), or are you thinking of something
    > else?

    Well, actually this was the intended behaviour (even though we haven't
    really used this feature so far). The idea is to be consistent. Doing a
      "union" of attributes instead of "either/or" introduces some

    Anyway, for prefetches I don't see a big deal with that, since the query
    will be built internally and we can do whatever we need (i.e. we can
    explicitly add *all* needed DbAttributes as "custom").


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