Re: my earlier post in this thread.
This issue was driving me nuts for so long, that I might as well modify
my .qmail file, adding an autoreply with a long off-topic rant to any
incoming message that contains "CayenneModeler is hard to modify" :-). I
am sorry that I got too emotional.
Re: the original events idea.
After really thinking about the issue, here is my +1. It is a good idea
to create a data structure that is "self maintained". A few ideas on that:
1. I wonder if just having a single event and listener interface would
be a better implementation though? Not sure how hard it will become to
use it.
2. A good place for such events is "project" package, since it deals
with both mapping and access layers, treating them as just a tree (or a
graph) of connected objects. (BTW, I was thinking about refactoring
"display" events using a single class based on cayenne.project.ProjectPath )
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