profiling technology?

From: Arndt Brenschede (
Date: Sat Mar 08 2003 - 14:45:48 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: profiling technology?"


    I understand that you guys are all
    eclipse-adicted - and I don't know
    much about eclipse.

    What about profiling? How do you,
    or do you at all?

    I just recently did some profiling
    on my cayenne based proof-of-concept,
    using my favoured profiling tool,
    and the hotspots really come out nice.
    (I do that by just counting object-creation,
    which is fairly proportional to the cpu-consupmtion)

    The java-side cpu-consumption overall
    is dominated by the Collection stuff, and
    also the most prominent hotspots are
    about collection processing:

    2 of them are:

    - the constructor of "PrimaryKeyGenerationSupport"
       which is called from the "DataContext" constructor
       and accounts for 90% of the cost of DataContext-creation

       The bad thing about that is that this cost scales
       with the number of DbEntities in the map
       (109 temporary objects per entity)

    - ObjEntity.getAttributeForDbAttribute(..)

    It's an easy game to find these hotspots - looking
    at the profile graph is like using a night vision device.

    I guess you could boost the cpu-performance of cayenne
    by a factor of something by just addressing the top-ten
    hotspots - any plans :-) ? Anybody need advice on profiling tools?



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