Re: Tidy up of flattened rels

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 18:14:04 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Re: Tidy up of flattened rels"

    First option (prefetching corp unit id) is actuallly nice to have for
    another feature - prefetching in queries. I was planning to add support
    for that ~1.1. This indeed seems like lots of work and testing.

    As for the second option, it seems like you will need some ObjectId tricks
    for the destination to-one fault (HOLLOW) object. One way would be to
    subclass ObjectId (FaultObjectId or something) to support a different
    object read approach in DataContext.refetchObject().

    This is very raw, but I have something like that in mind:

    FaultObjectId extends ObjectId {
      // encapsulate the first join table id
      protected ObjectId startId;

      // DB_PATH
      protected String relationshipPath;

      public Map getIdSnapshot() {
         return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;

      // not sure how this sould work
      public boolean isTemporary() {
         return true;

    Of course I left out too many details, so there might be unexpected


    > Example relationship... CorporateUnit has many Departments, which have
    > many Employees. Employee has a flattened relationship
    > toDept->toCorporateUnit to get directly to it's Corporate unit
    > I have two options, both of which require significant munging at
    > different places, and it boils down to expectation. Would you (or other
    > users) expect that when the Employee in the above example is fetched,
    > that cayenne would do a join with Department in order to find the
    > CorporateUnit id (internally creating a hollow CorporateUnit object with
    > the fetched id), or would you expect that just Employee attributes are
    > fetched, and the join only occurs when the CorporateUnit is touched
    > (somehow having encoded the source of the department in the Objectid
    > maybe... ).
    > Both cause as much pain: the first requires futzing with
    > ResultIterator/Descriptor etc to ensure that column names can be
    > distinguished (the id of the Dept would need to be part of the results);
    > the second requires munging with ObjectId or something equally
    > horrendous. Plus there's the issue of expectations and performance (some
    > would say the join shouldn't happen until the user explicitly requests
    > it, others might say it's worth the hit because you're already fetching
    > the employee).
    > Any and all feedback gratefully received :-) (including that which tells
    > me I'm a plonker and there's an easier way)
    > Craig

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