Re: locking rows?

From: Arndt Brenschede (
Date: Sat May 24 2003 - 16:16:21 EDT

  • Next message: Holger Hoffstätte: "Re: Interesting DB Adapter problem"

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > No, you can do it in the batch:
    > Statement.html#executeBatch()
    > executeBatch returns an int[] that can be analyzed.

    Nice try, but with Oracle the world is not what it seems :-)

    Decompiling the oracle driver shows what you get:

        public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException {
                    for(int k = 0; k < ai2.length; k++) ai2[k] = -2;
                    int ai1[] = ai2;
                    return ai1;

    This is the same "-2" you see in the log if you run the context-commit
    on DEBUG level.

    You should note the fully useless assigment in the line before
    the return - this is an indication on what level of java developers
    wrote this spaghetti.

    So no more surprises if you try the alternative
    PreparedStatement.getUpdateCount() method,
    which works sometimes, but not with my prepared
    statement cache:

        public synchronized int getUpdateCount()
            throws SQLException
                return -1;
            noMoreUpdateCounts = true;
            DBAccess _tmp = connection.db_access;
            if(sql_kind == 3)
                return 0;
            DBAccess _tmp1 = connection.db_access;
            if(sql_kind != 2)
                return -1;
                return dbstmt.rows_processed;

    The guy was clever enough to reset
    the "noMoreUpdateCounts" variable
    in *almost* any execute method
    - except for the executeBatch....

    This driver is is a peace of shit,
    so I think Holger should be rather
    happy that IBM obfuscated their
    driver - because nobody likes
    to see that :-)

    Anyhow, I did a real bad hack
    in my prepared statement cache
    to make getUpdateCount work,
    but I think for the individual
    update counts there's no chance
    for oracle.



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