RE: Expected behavior questions

From: Scott Finnerty (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 15:40:56 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "RE: Expected behavior questions"

    I have read the relevant threads btw. I saw Holger's post re: a
    DataContextMonitor and understand how it applies. I was still concerned
    about the "expected" behavior of DataContext.refetchObject() and the
    exclusion of -to-many relationships when snapshots are updated during
    the normal course of operations.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Scott Finnerty []
    Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:19 PM
    Subject: Expected behavior questions

    I was testing a scenario in a web application where two users/sessions
    (and therefore separate DataContexts) were editing the same object. In
    both sessions I would cause the object to be retrieved from the database
    - along with its -to-many relationships. Then in one session I would
    perform an update of the object - committing the changes to the
    database. In the other session I would start an update and see the
    changes made in the other session - only to attributes (and after
    studying the code, it looks like -to-one relationships would be updated
    as well). Thus, any changes made to -to-many relationships were not
    reflected in the other session. This seems to be due to the indirection
    used for -to-many relationships (i.e., ToManyList). The ToManyList is
    established when an object is passed through
    SnapshotManager.refreshObjectWithSnapshot() which is only when the
    object's state is HOLLOW. During subsequent mergeObjectWithSnapshot()
    calls, attributes and -to-one relationships are updated - but the
    -to-many lists are not re-initialized. So if in one session changes are
    made to an object's -to-many relationships, other sessions that have
    already populated their copy of the object's -to-many relationships will
    never see the changes without specific intervention in the code. I can
    understand why for performance ToManyLists are lazy-initialized and not
    refetched on each access. However, because some parts of an object have
    been updated, it appears to allow inconsistency to creep into a
    DataContext's in-memory snapshot vs. what's in the database.

    The only way to force an update of an object's -to-many relationships is
    to invalidate the object (DataContext.invalidateObject()). A call to
    DataContext.refetchObject() won't do it alone.

    I'd like for each DataContext to stay internally consistent - if any
    part of an object is updated from the database, all aspects of the
    object are updated (or at least reset to be updated in a lazy fashion).

    Should DataContext.refetchObject() include "resetting" the ToManyLists
    (i.e., ToManyList.needsFetch() == true)?

    Should SnapshotManager.mergeObjectWithSnapshot() also "reset" the

    Will the work being done on 1.1 address these issues by
    communicating/propagating "dirty" state to other DataContexts?

    Scott Finnerty

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