I installed Firebird on Linux and was able to connect to it from
Cayenne. Unit test results are pretty much the same as yours (lots of
failures :-)). But now that I have the test environment I can dig
around and see what's wrong. I'll get back once I have some results.
On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 01:04 AM, Heiko Wenzel wrote:
> Hallo All,
> I have som problems with the jUnit tests and the Firebird adapter. If
> I run the tests with ant (ant test
> -Dcayenne.test.connection=test-firebird), 23 tests fails.
> If run the tests in my IDE (Netbeans) or under Eclipse, only 4 tests
> fails. Below you can see the errorlog. The tests with the (o.k) are
> errorfree under Nerbeans or eclipse.On the other 4 you can see the
> error message I get under Netbeans or Eclipse. What's wrong ant that
> should I believe?
> I use Firebird 1.0.3 für Linux, the Firebird JDBC Treiber jBird 1.0.0,
> und Jdk 1.4.2
> In the attachement you can find the errorlog again. The Firebird
> Adapter is checked in into the repository since last week.
> Heiko Wenzel
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextExtrasTst
> FAILED (testCommitChangesError,testSelectException)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultListTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextPrefetchTst
> FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint
> "INTEG_10561" on table "ARTGROUP"
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextRefreshingTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.SnapshotManagerTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.PkGeneratorTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlModifyQueryInContextTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlSelectQueryInContextTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SelectQueryTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneNoRevTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2ManyTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2OneDepTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOneDep2OneTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelDeleteTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelTst
> FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY
> constraint "INTEG_9864" on table "ARTGROUP""
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectRelTst
> FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint
> "INTEG_10018" on table "ARTGROUP"
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.DOPrefetchTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.MiscTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayManyToOneTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayOneToManyTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectInCtxtTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextExtrasTst
> FAILED (testCommitChangesError,testSelectException)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.IncrementalFaultListTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextPrefetchTst
> FAILED GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint
> "INTEG_10561" on table "ARTGROUP"
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.DataContextRefreshingTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.SnapshotManagerTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.PkGeneratorTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlModifyQueryInContextTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SqlSelectQueryInContextTst
> FAILED (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.query.SelectQueryTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneNoRevTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOMany2OneTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2ManyTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOne2OneDepTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOOneDep2OneTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelDeleteTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CDOReflexiveRelTst FAILED
> GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint
> "INTEG_9864" on table "ARTGROUP""
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectRelTst FAILED
> GDS Exception. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint
> "INTEG_10018" on table "ARTGROUP"
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.DOPrefetchTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.MiscTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayManyToOneTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.OneWayOneToManyTst FAILED
> (o.k)
> [junit] TEST org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObjectInCtxtTst FAILED
> (o.k)
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Sat Aug 30 2003 - 12:13:20 EDT