IncrementalFaultList behavior

From: Scott Finnerty (
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 11:07:50 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Improved EOModel support"

    I thought I was taking advantage of the "tuning" ability of a query's
    results by setting the page size - however in the logs I kept seeing a
    second SELECT for all of the rest of the results set - even though I was
    just iterating over the first page. I was finally forced to figure it out
    when PostgreSQL puked because the IN clause had more than its limit of
    elements (defaults to 10,000). So I looked a little closer and found that
    because I was using a JSTL tag to loop through the first page, I was
    invoking the iterator on IncrementalFaultList which forces the retrieval of
    the entire result set as objects. I was able to work-around by adding a
    getter to return the current page of results as a sublist.

    However, some times I would like to use the Iterator to process the result
    set, but this always forces a full retrieval and in the case of large result
    sets with PostgreSQL, a subsequent failure. Monkeying with the PostgreSQL
    parameter is not an ideal solution. How about returning a custom Iterator
    that resolves pages at a time as the first element in an unresolved page is
    requested from the Iterator? This would space out the hits to the database
    in page size chunks and should address the problem with PostgreSQL? I'd be
    willing to code up such a modification to IncrementalFaultList if this
    solution sounds acceptable.

    Scott Finnerty

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