From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 10:28:21 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CVS"

    Scott Finnerty <> wrote:
    > For several days now I have not been able to connect to the sourceforge
    > server to update my working copy. Anyone else (who is using the pserver
    > access) having issues? It's always been spotty at best, but now, no
    > what time of day, I'm getting connection refused.

    I was going to ask the same thing a couple days ago, but I held off thinking
    maybe I was doing something wrong.

    On friday, the first day I was connecting to cayenne's cvs, things seemed to
    work relatively well. I've been unable to retrieve much of anything from
    cvs since Friday.

    Those few times I have managed to do something, it's only been after many

    Doing a checkout using anonymous or even mkienenb always seems to result in
    older source code.

    Normally it fails immediately. Once or twice, it checkout'd correctly (but
    always an older version of the source). A few times it's failed in the
    middle of a checkout.

    I've tried with pserver:anonymous, pserver:mkienenb, and extssh:mkienenb
    (which seemed to give the best results).

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