Re: Optimistic locking [WAS Re: Plans for 1.1 and after....]

From: Arndt Brenschede (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 12:51:13 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Optimistic locking [WAS Re: Plans for 1.1 and after....]"

    Hi Mike, Andrus,

    sorry that I didn't followup on this further
    (I'm somewhat under water...).

    Short summary of the problems I encountered
    in my research with Oracle:

    - the return-value(s) of the execute(Batch) methods
      are always "-2", which is still JDBC complient ( )
      and which is docuemented by Oracle

    - the alternative "getUpdateCount()" works mostly.

      However, with a really sublte problem in conjunction
      with prepared-statement caching:
      -> the oracle spaghetti contains a complicated
           "hidden state" that makes it fail with prep-statement
      Since prep-statement caching is not really part of cayenne,
       you could ignore that problem (but well, it's also possible
       to use cayenne with an external data-source doing the
       prep-statement caching, and then the problem will be similar)

       To handle that, I once developed a dirty fix using reflection
        on default access fields to fix it, but this is really nasty.



    Mike Kienenberger schrieb:

    >Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    >>Original plans for optimistic locking were to use JDBC update count to
    >>tell if a row was updated or not (and include all "locked" fields in
    >>the WHERE clause). Unfortunately this information is not always
    >>available from the driver (esp. with batch updates that are enabled by
    >>default). Arndt has been patching some things on his own (some of which
    >>included patches to Oracle driver). I leave it up to him to comment
    >>further. My feeling is that we still need more research on that.
    >Can the framework start off by doing it the "right" way (using the JDBC
    >update count), and we go from there? We can document (when known) what
    >drivers DON'T work and under what conditions, then let those most interested
    >either get the driver itself fixed or fix the driver plugin (or maybe even
    >disable batch updates by plugin)?
    >Once something is in place, the rest of us can try to fit it to our needs.
    >However, I don't feel qualified to put the basic mechanism in place.

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