Re: DataContext delegate? [Re: Implementing Entity "restricting qualifier" in application?]

From: Dirk Olmes (
Date: Fri Sep 26 2003 - 21:48:28 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: DataContext delegate? [Re: Implementing Entity "restricting qualifier" in application?]"

    On 2003-09-25 03:02:54 +0200 Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:

    > The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that we need a separate
    > delegate interface for DataContext. DataContextDelegate is a good start
    > :-)...

    I like that name.

    > Current OperationObserver already combines too many things from different
    > areas of Cayenne. Besides the main flow of query execution relies on
    > particular implementations of Observer, so it is not good for custom
    > delegation. Another alternative - using DataContext events - (that we
    > discussed with Dirk and Holger) is not satisfactory to me either (though some
    > would probably disagree with me on that :
    > ).

    Err, could you please explain why? When inventing the whole DataContext event machinery at least I had a large number of uses in mind, including events that were to be consumed internally by cayenne. Since you mentioned multi-threaded dispatch before: do you intend the DataContext events to act as a bridge to user code only? Maybe we can refactor the DataContext events a little bit more to match your requirements?

    Now, that I think a little bit more about the willPerformQuery use I see that this is really more a delegate in the pure EOF sense: some object that is called before a certain operation is executed and that object has the chance of vetoing/influencing the flow of control. The question that pops up now is: by which criteria do we distinguish between which method calls go into the delegate interface and which will be posted as events?


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