RE: I am missing Expression architecture...

From: Dirk Olmes (
Date: Thu Oct 02 2003 - 05:14:14 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: DataContext delegate?"

    > I think it would be excellent to start all this discussion writing down
    > a few test cases that describe exactly the problem we are trying to
    > solve, how we want to write the application code to use express these
    > feature, and then add the code to Cayenne until all the new tests pass.

    very XP style, I like that :-)

    > I have tried to look for Cayenne and DBUnit, but did not find anything
    > relevant.
    > Is there anybody doing any work to integrate Cayenne with a DB testing
    > framework like DBUnit or something like that?

    I investigated into a cayenne-DBUnit cooperation some time ago, especially
    since it seems to be the perfect match: let cayenne do its work and check
    DBUnit whether the database is in expected state afterwards.

    I dropped my effort after having a look at the existing cayenne test cases -
    they make much sense to me.

    Integrating DBUnit into the existing cayenne test cases will not be a
    trivial undertaking, though: upon starting the tests, cayenne will
    re-generate the
    database schema from the cayenne model. Only after that, DBUnit can be
    started to import data into the schema and then the test cases will run.
    After the
    execution of a test DBUnit can check the results against an existing XML

    I think it will take some effort to integrate DBUnit into the cayenne test
    cases. In that process there's still a number of decisions to make: should
    DBUnit fill the database upon each test run? each TestCase? only once?
    I've used DBUnit successfully in conjunction with EOF and TopLink in the
    past and can share what I found out, even some code though it may be only of
    limited use.


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