Cayenne Featured in DB Magazine, Japan

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Nov 30 2003 - 02:04:18 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "CayenneModeler Design"


    Cayenne is featured in December edition of the DB Magazine Japan in
    their selection of "The Best Freeware And Shareware", and is also
    distributed on CD that comes with it. Their URL is , but there is no online version, only
    the printed one. I have a copy courtesy of the editor.

    The image attached is the scan of the cover. From those few things that
    I can understand (obviously it is in Japanese), DB Magazine is a
    serious technical publication. There is *much* less advertising in its
    250 pages than in 50 or whatever pages of JDJ. And from some UML
    diagrams with English captions, I can see they are discussing quiet a
    few interesting things related to integrating the app layer with DB.

    I will update the website with this information soon.


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