Re: OpenBase adapter & types.xml

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 12:21:33 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: OpenBase adapter & types.xml"

    > Andrus, where can I find an explanation of the types.xml file?
    > How did you decide to go with these paticular settings?

    types.xml is used for db generation from DataMap, so it should provide
    reasonable defaults to map from the types per JDBC standard
    (java.sql.Types - <jdbc-type name="XYZ">) to native DB types (<db-type

    This requires some understanding of the target DB (something I don't have
    for OpenBase). E.g. it is important to select such defaults that will not
    result in any precision loss in numeric and date types, etc.

    I should also note that if the database is not generated using
    CayenneModeler, types.xml has no effect on Cayenne runtime behavior.

    > For example:
    > <jdbc-type name="BOOLEAN">
    > <db-type name="int"/>
    > </jdbc-type>
    > I know OpenBase has a boolean data type, and I'm pretty sure that I set
    > the db-type to boolean, so I'm obviously not understanding something :)

    This is my mistake, please remap it back to boolean. If you see any other
    things in my version that don't make sense, feel free to change/remove
    them. For instance I don't think we need to support types like "DATALINK",
    "REF", etc.


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