Sun JavaDesktop community has recently announced registration of my new project "Rowan". See:
It is being developed under the BSD-style license and has a goal to build a set of rich Swing components that are difficult to find in the public domain but happen to be useful or just stylish. This is work in progress, somewhere at pre-alpha stages. But I work on this project quite actively, so its current parts (and docs) should reach alpha1 by the end of December. Our Cayenne community (especially Cayenne Modeler and DataView Modeler) could benefit from using its Wizard component being implemented along the official Microsoft Wizard GUI guidelines. It already allows to create Wizards of various levels of complexity painessly enough. The documentation is still pending, yet I developed the "Rowan Wizardly Riddler" demo app that demonstrates how a Wizard with non-trivial lifecycle can be built and is included in the distribution.
Everybody welcome to try Rowan out getting its distribution over the javadesktop file sharing.
If our community of Cayenne developers finds it useful we could make the project official part of ObjectStyle, like Ashwood. Its packages already start with org.objectstyle.rowan :-).
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