new search form on website awkward

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 12:53:22 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Improvements to ClassGenerator and ant task"

    The new? search form on the Cayenne website is awkward.

    It requires your browser to treat hitting return in a textfield as a submit
    as well as requiring the browser user to know that hitting return in a
    textfield can/will cause a submit.

    It also requires javascript although that's less of an issue.

    I don't remember it being such a pain to use in the past which is why I call
    it the "new" search form.

    Any chance of making the search label an activator again?


    <form onsubmit="q.value = query.value + ''"
    action="" method="get">
                <input name="q" type="hidden"><input id="query" type="text"
    class="input" size="20">

    search </form>

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