Hey Matt,
Try Expression.fromString("db:myColumnA != db:myColumnB"). This should
work on M4.
As for AST, it is "abstract syntax tree", just like Mike said. The
reason for such naming is actually that most of the code in the
"parser" package is geneated by JavaCC, which is not very flexible as
far as naming. Some classes, like AST*, allow further customization
however the generated parser still expects the name to be AST*.
On Apr 15, 2004, at 11:03 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> Matt Kerr <mat..entralparksoftware.com> wrote:
>>> ps. what does AST stand for again?
> JavaCC: https://javacc.dev.java.net/
> Java Tree Builder: http://www.cs.purdue.edu/jtb/
> Abstract Syntax Tree? Not really sure? Could be Token as well. I
> know
> that the acronym is inherited from the JavaCC/JTB project.
> -Mike
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