missing support for db _PROPERTY columns ?

From: Matt Kerr (mat..entralparksoftware.com)
Date: Fri Apr 23 2004 - 10:11:53 EDT

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    i have a situation (for better or worse)
    where i'm querying the database against an fk value.
    it's only a problem because i have a relationship built on top of that
    fk column.

    it seems like although cayenne is aware of the fk columns,
    it's not completely supporting them - ?

    i would like to reference the fk by _PROPERTY name when building the
    qualifier/expression -
    and i end up adding this to my impl :-( ...

    public class MyClass extends com.bogart.model.auto._MyClass {

            public static final String FK_A_PROPERTY = "fkA";
            public static final String FK_B_PROPERTY = "fkB";


    i feel like i'm doing something dirty because FK_A_PROPERTY is not
    already defined for me in _MyClass. although it's in the model, and
    cayenne is aware of it.

    it is 'valid' cayenne for me to access the db in this way -- building
    qualifiers by hand.
    (i mean, cayenne does support it, yes?)

    so - shouldn't *all* the _PROPERTY values be defined in the _Auto
    version of the file.

    i can workaround for now by modifying the templates (pretty sure), but
    wondering why only supporting these valid attributes 1/2 way ? (what
    am i missing--i mean, besides religion)


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