Hi Andrus,
I'm trying a little experiment to try to add a "Browse Data" function to the
modeler with 1.1.RC1, like the OpenBase "Browse Data" or DBEdit program for
I'm not entirely certain I'm running the modeler with the proper environment
set up in the Eclipse debugger, though.
The first time I ran it, I got an error when trying to read the DataSource
preferences cayenne.xml file.
I added the "bin\modeler\resources\prefs" directory to my modeler run target
configuration classpath and I assumed that'd be sufficient to get HSQL
working. It doesn't crash anymore, but it still doesn't pick up my
non-Eclipse modeler preferences, which seems odd.
It allowed me to create new preferences, but it seemed to destroy my
original preferences since I can no longer access them from the "real"
external modeler.
Any other setup items I should add?
Any thoughts on why my preferences were not found and were later
overwritten? I'm not sure if this is a "bug" or just a consequence of using
it from Eclipse.
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