Re: Proposal - commiter status for Mike Kienenberger [Was: Running Modeler from Eclipse]

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 10:54:44 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Browse Data"

    Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > how about giving Mike a committer status?

    +0 :)

    You know, when I originally started working with Cayenne, I joined with the
    hope of getting the modeler up to the point to be a replacement for
    EOModeler, so working with WebObjects was no longer tied to where you could
    install WebObjects, but I never seemed to find the time due to priority
    changes. Instead, I ended up being a user of Cayenne, and I can't complain
    about the end result :)

    I'm still a bit concerned about my knowledge of the "deep things" of
    cayenne, but chances are I won't be working on those without help, so I
    guess I'm ok with being a committer :)

    > > I'm trying a little experiment to try to add a "Browse Data" function
    > > to the
    > > modeler with 1.1.RC1, like the OpenBase "Browse Data" or DBEdit
    > > program for
    > > EOModels.
    > Cool! That's definitely something we need to have in the Modeler.

    I'm very glad to hear that as I was just planning on writing an email to beg
    for the addition of this functionality :)

    I've actually got it working functionally to the point of being able to
    display DbEntities and associated database data, although I haven't found an
    easy way to convert DataRows into a generic DataObject yet so I can display
    ObjEntities and data. (So far, I just set up a DataNode manually and use it
    to pull in the data).

    Probably the biggest problem right now is that I can't get the UI to
    "size-to-fit" my data :)

    > I strongly recommend using CVS, and once you get committer
    > access, this won't be such a hassle.

    Actually I do this now. The only reason I had bothered with the quick
    download at the start of 1.1RC1 was just to verify a bug.
    I'm proficient in using tags with Eclipse and CVS these days and generally
    have two or three versions of cayenne in the editor :)

    > Besides we have past releases
    > tagged, so if you want to stay with a stable version of code you will
    > always have this opportunity. On checkout simply copy
    > contrib/ide/eclipse/* to the project root and you'll get things running
    > in no time.

    > Regarding the setup... One thing you definitely have to do is to mount
    > all JAR files (including hsql*.jar) in lib/modeler directory as the
    > project libraries. Still I really can't guarantee that the source
    > distributed with download will behave smoothly as a standalone eclipse
    > project.

    Yeah, I'm not sure I copied the "contrib/ide/eclipse/*" files the last time
    I pulled in 1.1RC1.
    However, I've just been adding the contents of otherlib/ to the build path
    and it seems to work fine. I just looked and everything in lib/modeler is
    in the otherlib/

    > BTW, when developing Cayenne I am running the modeler from Eclipse and
    > it works just fine, with debugger and all.

    I knew that, which is why I specifically asked you :)

    Once I got past the initial problem of adding the
    "bin\modeler\resources\prefs" directory to my modeler run-target classpath,
    everything seems to be working fine other than blowing away my original
    preferences. And it seems to be keeping them now.

    However, I'll probably pull in another copy and see if I can't get better
    results by explicitly using the contrib/ide/eclipse/* stuff.

    I'm still using Eclipse 2.1.3 -- anyone upgraded to Eclipse 3 and have any
    comments on it?


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