XML Encoder/Decoder Beta

From: Kevin J. Menard, Jr. (nirvdru..egativetwenty.net)
Date: Sun Dec 05 2004 - 09:53:06 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: XML Encoder/Decoder Beta"

    Hey everyone,

    For those interested, I put together a "beta" release. Considering decoding
    without a mapping file (but implementing XMLCoding) isn't implemented yet,
    it's probably not even beta yet. But those of you that wanted to try it,
    please do so and let me know if anything's missing or implemented
    incorrectly. I've spent the last 6 hours or so getting the javadocs all
    updated too (you'd think since I was copying the content for the most part
    that it'd be a fairly easy task, but it was actually quite time consuming).

    Everything needed is in the org.objectstyle.cayenne.util package.

    The classes I added are:

    XMLCoding (actually an interface)
    MappingUtils (probably should be better named)

    The API for these is virtually identical to the WebObjects analogue.

    By the way, even though the API is open, is it a copyright violation for me
    to copy the way I have (with all the doc comments)? I suppose I should have
    asked before sinking all that time into it, so hopefully I'm in the clear.

    A few more minor things . . . This code base is from HEAD that I checked out
    about a month ago (it builds as 1.2 dev). This also includes the
    DbGeneratorTask I wrote simply because it was already in my local source
    tree. Finally, I'm using JDOM 1.0, which required a change to
    org.objectstyle.cayenne.dataview.dvmodeler.CayenneProject. It also caused
    me to change the eclipse build path. So, if you see other files changed, no
    need to worry -- they were changed for good reason ;-)

    Anyway, you can get it at:


    Once again, feedback would be most appreciated.


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