Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
> > Kevin Menard <> wrote:
> >> That's what I'll probably do then. I don't like convoluted build
> >> scripts. Furthermore, it's probably easier to start HSQLDB up via
> >> code than trying to use the exec task (I assume this is how it would
> >> be done -- I'm by far no ant guru).
> >
> > Yeah, me either.
> >
> > I haven't used HSQLDB yet, but if there's no ant task to do it, the
> > HSQLDB project would probably welcome such a contribution.
> >
> > -Mike
> Maybe I misunderstood what Kevin's HSQLDB setup is, but HSQLDB db files
> can be accessed from *any* Java application (including a running Ant
> build) without starting a socket server. HSQL JDBC driver suports an
> "in-process" db, just set the right URL:
Maybe I'm misunderstanding as well, but I thought he was asking about ant
task support for starting/stopping HSQLDBs (and possibly other maintenance
commands, like add/create database).
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