RE: JDK 1.5

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 12:32:11 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Optimistic locking on delete: appendOptimisticLockingAttributes calls getRetainedSnapshot() but may be null for simple deleteObject()"

    > I have only vague ideas about what new features are available in 1.5.
    > What would be necessary other than creating a different template?

    Most of the features are stylistic - auto conversion of primitives to and
    from primitive objects, compact iterator looping, auto casting, etc. They
    are things that could be incorporated into actual codebase once 1.5 becomes
    more widely adopted I suppose.

    The real concern is generics, which provide a type wrapper to collections -
    similar to STL templates (i.e. List<String> only holds Strings). I have
    mixed feelings about them but ultimately I think they do more harm than
    good. Either way, if you are doing a project with JDK 1.5, you get a warning
    each time you fetch a relationship on one of your Cayenne data objects, as
    they return untyped collections.

    I took a quick glance at the velocity templates and it should not be a
    problem to modify those to fit. Going to mess with it more this evening and


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