RE: When will Cayenne 1.2M3 be out?

From: Cris Daniluk (
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 22:11:39 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Decoding XML"

    > * relatively stable existing features
    > * preview of relatively complete but less stable pieces of
    > new functionality

    If its Eclipse milestones, you can skip the stable existing features
    altogether :)

    Seriously though, I think considering the apathy people have with checking
    out from CVS and building by hand, and the confusion and fear of picking a
    nightly build, the milestones are an excellent way to get bleeding edge
    users the opportunity to try totally unstable stuff. If they don't get their
    hands on new functionality before it becomes too stable, they will not be
    able to shape it.

    I'm definitely a fan of the balance that there has been between stability
    and functionality in the milestones so far.


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