Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> All of this sounds good to me. Just for the record commons-logging and
> log4j are always giving headache - too much J2EE deployment
> infrastructure depends on it. Of course cayenne-nodeps.jar should be
> fine with any version.
Goody, will start right away.
> I guess we should remove Log4J dependencies from public Cayenne API and
> at least eliminate Log4J bundling and keep commons logging under the
> hood. Of course with deprecation and all that...
I recently converted a lot of my own code to use clogging instead of log4j
and it was really easy, it's mostly search&replace (or sed ;) & then
selecting "Organize Imports" on the whole package. The only things that
will probably not be possible to migrate are the classes that affect
logging levels - for example clogging does not allow you to set a level
on a Logger like some of the Cayenne classes do (if I remember correctly).
In any case there's no danger in migrating because as long as long4j is on
the classpath there's no change in behaviour.
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